Hungarian Glossary
of Terms
When traveling to Hungary, you’ll find that most people speak English. But, we think it’s fun to give Hungarian a try! Did you know Hungarian is said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn?
Szia, hogy vagy?
[See-ya! Hodge vodge?]
Hello, how are you?
Milyen szép farm!
[Mee-yen sayp farm!]
What a pretty farm!
A nevem…
[ah nev-em]
My name is...
Hol van a mosdo?
[whole vahn ah mosh-dough]
Where is the bathroom?
Űűűűű! Gyönyörű virágok!
[oooooh! Djer-nyer-oo vee-rag-ok]
Wow! Beautiful flowers!
Hallgassa a békákat!
[hall-gash-sha ah bay-kahkat!]
Listen to the frogs!
Thank you.
Kaphatok egy kis lángost?
[Cop-ha-toke edj kish lahn-gosht?]
May I have some lángos, please?
I love you.

1. Grand Entrance; 2. Chicken Coop; 3. Compost Beds; 4. Lángos Oven;5. Water Well; 6. Grape Press;7. Lily Pond; 8. Stone Crop; 9. Pumpkin;10. Gingko; 11. Evening Primrose; 12. Lavender; 13. Poppy; 14. Chamomile;15. Comfrey; 16. Rhubarb; 17. Flower Beds; 18. St. John's Wort;19. Peppermint; 20. Echinacea; 21. Fallow Field