Aerial View
Ever wonder what the Eminence Organic Skin Care farm looks like from a bird’s eye view? Imagine flying high above the countryside and seeing this gorgeous collection of colors. Look a little closer, and you’ll notice that the red brick paths are designed not only for a smooth, circular walk… but also in the unmistakable shape of a tree. Boldijarre, our farm founder, had the vision to create this certified organic farm in the shape of the tree of life… in honor and harmony with nature.

1. Grand Entrance; 2. Chicken Coop; 3. Compost Beds; 4. Lángos Oven;5. Water Well; 6. Grape Press;7. Lily Pond; 8. Stone Crop; 9. Pumpkin;10. Gingko; 11. Evening Primrose; 12. Lavender; 13. Poppy; 14. Chamomile;15. Comfrey; 16. Rhubarb; 17. Flower Beds; 18. St. John's Wort;19. Peppermint; 20. Echinacea; 21. Fallow Field