Flower Beds
Blooming with a variety of fruits and herbs, our Eminence Organic Skin Care flower beds were thoughtfully designed to place harmonious plants side-by-side encouraging a bounty of bees, butterflies and natural, healthy pollination.
Traditional Design
Young sapling branches are woven when still green, then dry naturally into a strong support for our flower beds without the need for nails, screws or metal. Rows of these handmade beds line the red brick walkways for a beautiful, inviting stroll.

Traditional Design
Young sapling branches are woven when still green, then dry naturally into a strong support for our flower beds without the need for nails, screws or metal. Rows of these handmade beds line the red brick walkways for a beautiful, inviting stroll.
What Is In Season?
While our larger fields are reserved for growing larger, hardier and more in-demand crops such as lavender and echinacea, Eminence Organics flower beds are considered the ‘special’ growing space. Some plants are more delicate and sensitive than others – and live happier in an elevated space.
Flowers, Flowers!
We love flowers! All kinds of wildflowers and herbs bloom in the flower beds in spring. A myriad of colors invites all kinds of oohs and ahhs.

Flowers, Flowers!
We love flowers! All kinds of wildflowers and herbs bloom in the flower beds in spring. A myriad of colors invites all kinds of oohs and ahhs.

1. Grand Entrance; 2. Chicken Coop; 3. Compost Beds; 4. Lángos Oven;5. Water Well; 6. Grape Press;7. Lily Pond; 8. Stone Crop; 9. Pumpkin;10. Gingko; 11. Evening Primrose; 12. Lavender; 13. Poppy; 14. Chamomile;15. Comfrey; 16. Rhubarb; 17. Flower Beds; 18. St. John's Wort;19. Peppermint; 20. Echinacea; 21. Fallow Field